✔️ The Headshot Event ✔️

Ok, I get it. You’re not chomping at the bit to get in front of the camera. 😂 It doesn’t matter… having a solid, professional headshot is sooooo important. Here’s why:

A good headshot often leads, indirectly, to better opportunities.

Even if you’re not looking to change jobs anytime soon, there’s a solid chance that those you work for and with will come across your headshot through Slack, LinkedIn, Twitter, Teams… and their impression of you matters. Right or wrong, it can affect how others feel about your work. A good headshot can lead, indirectly, to better opportunities.

So let’s get yours freshened up, shall we? I'll make it quick and painless… and then you can checkity-check it off your list and (literally) put your best face forward.

Below is a link to grab one. Once you book it, I’ll send you all my thoughts about what to wear, how to prep, etc…

Let’s get ‘er done my friends. 📷 Saturday, September 7th. See you then!
