☀️ 5 Things to Know For This Summer ☀️

Holy moly, there’s SO much to talk about, friends!

As summer officially begins for me and our little family, I am tickled pink to sit down and share what’s going on here on the photography front right now. There’s so much to look forward to!!!

K. Here’s what we’ve got:

1) Sweet Shots Camera Camp!!! The announcement over on Facebook was enough to nearly fill both classes, but there are still a few spots left in next week’s camp (July 8 - 12). If you’re interested, check them out here -there’s one for 3-5th grade and another for the middle schoolers!

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2) This year’s summer minis are now open! 🎉 These sessions were a big hit last summer and I think it’s safe to say we all (myself included!) fell madly in love with the images that were captured. Right now there are sessions available on July 13th, August 10th, and August 17th. Sign up now, figure out your outfits later. 😉

My opinion? Families should have a pretty strong reason NOT to do one. Images like these are that important and no parent in the history of ever has regretted capturing loving connections. ❤️

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3. Mini 4 hour photographer coaching packages are available for September (when school starts again and weekends are more steady for everyone!) 📷 For those of you looking to strengthen your photography businesses… OR get one off the ground… this is a fab chance to get all your ducks in a row. 🦆🦆🦆 These are usually $600 but I’d love to get them booked up so we’re offering them for $450 right now. Everybody wins… hurray!!!

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4. August Sweet Shots Levels I and II are open! Specifically, August 10th (Level I) and August 24th (Level II). These classes are super fun, but more importantly, you’ll learn to use your DSLR like it was meant to be used… and your kids will always have the amazing pictures you take of their childhood from that point on.

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And FINALLY (told you there was a lot!)…

5. DOGGO SESSIONS!!! Hehe. I’ve always adored dogs, but this year I’ve intentionally begun to photograph them... and I’m loving every minute of it. If there’s enough interest, I’d like to open up a day of sessions devoted strictly to our sweet pups this August. 🐶 I’m not planning on them being much… perhaps $250 for a session that features your faithful, fluffy bestie. If that sounds like something you might want to do, would you shoot me a quick reply? You’re not committing… I’m just trying to gauge interest. Not sure if I’m the only one crazy enough to love this idea. 😂


Love to each of you!!!

