The 10-Point Post :)

Hey friends.

There’s so much to share… because this world keeps spinning and life keeps happening and there’s not always time to disclose all the little things.

So - 10 random things I’ve been dying to share. Some are silly. Some are business. Some are informative. And some are totally ridiculous. You decide which is which, haha:

  • Yoga has kicked off again at my studio, and I’m LOVING it. My favorite yoga instructor, Jeannette, is leading classes at the Hinsdale studio and here’s the link to see what classes are available. Hint: check out the 3-class beginner’s pass, it’s an awesome deal. :) I’ll be there every Tuesday morning (5:30 a.m.) and Sunday evening (assuming it hasn’t rained on Saturday because: session reschedules, lol).

  • I’m still working at Vine Academy… but part-time this year! This school has my heart. It’s the most caring, rigorous, intentional, and strategic educational facility I’ve ever seen. I handle marketing, help with admissions, and teach art… then head out at 1:30 to focus on my photography work. So far this year it’s been the perfect balance. I love both jobs so much… not something to take for granted! ❤️

  • We got 2 cats and I adore them both. Turns out you can be both a dog person AND a cat person… omg!!! Meg and Cricket keep us laughing all day long. Who knew felines could bring so much joy to a family???

  • My sister Allie had a BABY GIRL!!! Those of you who have been with us for the long haul know that Allie was our business manager until her sweet little boy was born about 8 years ago. Now we have another little one to love. Is she perfect? Yes. Am I obsessed? Ummm… just a wee bit. 😂😂😂

  • I’m making chicken soup right now and it smells amazing. Is there a reason that I’m telling you this? Not really. It’s just that I’m just super-proud of my 1) planning, 2) shopping, 3) chopping, and 4) boiling. I will be putting a bay leaf in it soon because my Granny taught me that without a bay leaf your chicken soup will taste “off.” #wontquestiongranny

  • I’ve read some incredible books in the past few months. My top two favorites: Atomic Habits by James Clear and The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene. Both life-changing. But you don’t have to take my word for it… 📚🌈

  • My kids and I have a killer idea: someday we will start a puppy farm. We believe this idea has merit… 4-5 litters of puppies, $10 admission… unending snuggles… and BOOM. We’re living the high life, surrounded by puppies. All golden retriever pups, obviously… what do you think?

  • I took pictures of hummingbirds this weekend at the lake. I’ve been trying for EVER and finally got lucky this past weekend. I tried so hard and was so tickled that I did it. This one’s my favorite. ❤️

Ok sweet friends. Those are my musings… I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day weekend!!!

