Yoga at the Studio!


A therapist once told me that yoga is the only exercise that involves mind, body, and spirit, and in my experience this has always been true.

About a year ago one of my closest friends, Jeannette, began her journey of becoming a certified yoga instructor, and in January she earned her certificate. Once she became “official,” Jeannette began offering small classes to friends, which quickly (but not surprisingly) transformed into classes for friends-of-friends, because I’m telling you guys… she’s good.

I’m not just saying that. She’s really, really GOOD. Her instruction is detailed, fluid, encouraging, and easy to follow, but even more than that… the thoughtful, intentional meditations she shares each week have been so centering that I can honestly say it’s brought my anxiety to a new and manageable low. I’ve gotten physically and mentally stronger because of her instruction.

ANYway… here’s the big news:

Our Hinsdale studio is now the location for a number of her weekly yoga classes!!! I can’t begin to tell you how excited it makes me to know that others will be able to use the space to learn and practice yoga with Jeannette.


She’s just opened up registration for five classes. I have no doubt that they will all be wonderful, but there are two in particular that I want to tell you about because I am so excited about them:

  1. A 6 week yoga book club. YES A YOGA BOOK CLUB!!!!!! The morning one includes optional extra time at the end for coffee and socializing (love this). The evening one includes the same, except with wine (love this even more, hehe). I am signing up for the evening one because it will be amazing… anyone want to join me? I mean… how fun would that be?!? This one will be on Thursdays from 8:30 - 9:45 p.m. from November 1st - December 13th.

  2. A 6 week class for tween girls. Jeannette is amazing with girls this age and one of her passions is equipping them to believe in their incredible strength, both physically and emotionally. This class will be on Tuesdays from 4:15 - 5:30 p.m. It runs from October 20th to December 11th, and our tween girl will most definitely be attending. If you have a girl in the 11-14 year old range and you live nearby, take a look!

You can check out the rest of her classes on her website. I really think you’ll love what you see.
